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Title: Standardised CPUE indices for swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from the New Zealand tuna longline fishery, 1993 to 2012
FAR_2013_46_2677_SEA2012-16_Obj1, MS3, RR1.pdf (3.8 MB)
This report updates the CPUE analysis for the New Zealand surface longline fishery for swordfish, to be used in a revised stock assessment for the wider South Pacific region. Effective targeting of swordfish increased over time due to greater use of light-sticks, a concentration of fishing around the full moon and at night, and the legalisation of swordfish targeting in 2004.
FAR: 2013/46;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-41491-2;
ScienceStock: HMS;
Species: swordfish; Xiphias gladius;
Stock: SWO;
FishingMethod: longline;
ResearchField: catch-per-unit-effort; CPUE;
Author: Anderson; Doonan; Griggs; Sutton; Wei;
Title: Port sampling of tuna longline catches for swordfish (Xiphias gladius) size composition in 2005–06.
FAR_2013_29_1317_TUN2005-02.pdf (461.8 kb)
 A shore-based catch sampling programme for swordfish was developed and implemented which was cost-effective, statistically sound and achieved high coverage of landings. Individual processed weights were collected electronically from licensed fish receivers, and a predictive relationship was used to convert these to catch-at-length. Length-specific sex ratios derived from scientific observer data was projected onto the estimates of catch-at-length to estimate sex-specific catch-at-length.
FAR: 2013/29;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ISBN: 978-0-478-41404-2;
ScienceStock: HMS;
Species: swordfish, Xiphias gladius;
Stock: SWO;
FishingMethod: target line, longline;
ResearchField: shore-based catch sampling programme, length-specific sex ratio;
Author: Davies; Griggs;
Title: Movement of Broadbill Swordfish from New Zealand tagged with pop-up satellite archival tags
10_04_FAR.pdf (2.3 MB)
Movement of Broadbill Swordfish from New Zealand tagged with pop-up satellite archival tags
FAR: 2010/04;
ISSN: 1179-5352;
ScienceStock: HMS;
Species: SWO;
Stock: SWO1;
FishingMethod: surface longline;
ResearchField: Life history characteristics; Tagging;
Author: Holdsworth; Saul; Sippel;
Title: Biological data summaries for swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
\2007 FARs\07_17_FAR.pdf (2.5 MB)
Biological data summaries for swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: SWO2004/01;
FAR: 2007/17;
ScienceStock: Pelagic; Pelagic;
Species: SWO; SWO;
ResearchField: Biological inventory; Biological inventory;
Author: Davies; Davies; Griggs; Griggs;
Title: Characteristation of the New Zealand tuna fisheries in 2002-03 and 2003-04.
\2006 FARs\06_28_FAR.pdf (7.9 MB)
Characteristation of the New Zealand tuna fisheries in 2002-03 and 2003-04.
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: TUN2003/02;
FAR: 2006/28;
ScienceStock: Highly migratory species; Pelagic;
FishingMethod: Longline; Seine;
ResearchField: Fishery characterisation;
Author: Kendrick;
Title: Information available for developing a stock assessment for New Zealand swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
SWO2003-01 Swordfish New Zealand stock assessment final.pdf (1.7 MB)
Information available for developing a stock assessment for New Zealand swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
Author: Davies; Griggs; Unwin;
FishingMethod: Longline;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Highly Migratory Species;
Species: SWO;
Stock: SWO1;
Title: Growth rate, age at maturity, longevity, and natural mortality rate of swordiish (Xiphias gladius)
\2005 FARs\05_56_FAR.pdf (747.4 kb)
Growth rate, age at maturity, longevity, and natural mortality rate of swordiish (Xiphias gladius)
ISSN: 1175-1584;
Project code: TUN2003/01;
FAR: 2005/56;
ScienceStock: Pelagic;
Species: SWO;
FishingMethod: Longline;
ResearchField: Life-history characteristics;
Author: Francis; Griggs; Maolagain;
Title: Growth rate, age at maturity, longevity and natural mortality rate of swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
TUN2003-01 Swordfish growth longevity mortality Objective 3 final.pdf (2.0 MB)
Growth rate, age at maturity, longevity and natural mortality rate of swordfish (Xiphias gladius). Objective 3
Author: Francis; Griggs; O Maolagain C.;
FishingMethod: Longline;
ResearchField: Ageing;
ScienceStock: Highly Migratory Species;
Species: SWO;
Stock: SWO1;
Title: New Zealand Domestic Tuna Fisheries 1989-90 to 1998-99
TUN1999-01 Domestic Tuna New Zealand Objective 1.pdf (1.5 MB)
New Zealand Domestic Tuna Fisheries 1989-90 to 1998-99. Objective 1
Author: Dean; Griggs; Murray;
FishingMethod: longline; purse seine; Troll;
ResearchField: Stock assessment;
ScienceStock: Highly Migratory Species;
Species: ABL; BIG; SKJ; SWO; YFN;
Stock: ABL1; BIG1; SKJ1; SWO1; YFN1;
Title: Seabird bycatch by Southern Fishery longline vessels in New Zealand waters
\1992 FARDs\92_22_FARD.pdf (829.9 kb)
Seabird bycatch by Southern Fishery longline vessels in New Zealand waters
Author: Bartle; Greaves; Molloy; Murray; Taylor;
FishingMethod: Longline;
ISSN: 1175-1584;
ResearchField: Non-target species; Seabirds;
ScienceStock: Highly migratory species; Pelagic;
Stock: ALB; BIG1; SKJ1; STN1; SWO1; TOR1; YFN1;